Our giant bulky TV finally gave out!
We debated a little bit as to what to do and we decided that after this baby comes we will definitely not be able to afford a new TV and it was now or never. We were tricky with our finances and did it. We found something that met Parker's standards and was surprising on sale for 300 dollars less than we had planned! How lucky was that!
We bought a 46'' Samsung TV, which is glorious in comparison to the 52'' monster we had before. It's big but it looks like it was made to fit inside a home not an arena. We love it and I'm glad we did it. ( Cannot believe I'm saying that!) It can do all kinds of tricks our other one couldn't do.
Parker insisted that the first thing we watch on it be manly so we compromised and watched the Simpsons. It was epic!
haha that is so great! I love it :) Congrats!